When Is the Right Time to Have Another Baby? Your Doctors Tips

When is the best time to add another child to your family?

If you ask your family and friends, you’ll find that everyone has a different opinion. Some people will tell you to have kids close in age, while others will swear that a bigger age gap is necessary. While the decision is ultimately up to you and your partner, there are some essential things to consider when contemplating becoming pregnant once again.  

1. Wait until you and your partner are on the same page

The decision to expand your family is one that you and your partner must make together. Have an open and honest discussion and talk about how you’re both feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

Neither of you should feel pressured to agree to something you’re not ready for. If one person would like another child now and the other doesn’t, take a step back and give it some time. Agree to revisit the topic in a few months to a year to see how you’re both feeling then. 

2.  Consider logistics

In Australia, the cost of adding another child to a household equates to approximately $200 extra per week

Be sure to consider things like your budget, the size of your home, additional family support, the amount of time and energy you have available, employment obligations and your family dynamic. 

3. Consider the pros and cons of closely-spaced vs. widely-spaced siblings

Siblings born close together have a built-in playmate. You also won’t have to buy as much because they can share toys and other necessities. On the flip side, having more than one child under the age of 3 can be very challenging physically and mentally. 

Having children further apart gives you, the parents, a chance to catch your breath in between. It also may allow for more quality time with your firstborn and time to focus on each child’s early development needs, such as breastfeeding, sleep development etc.

4. Consider the health of mother and baby

It’s essential to consider the time between pregnancies from a biological standpoint. 

We suggest waiting at least 18 to 24 months after pregnancy before attempting to have another child so the mother’s body has time to replenish vitamins and nutrients after giving birth. 

On the other hand, research shows waiting more than five years can increase the chances of low birth weight, preterm births and smaller baby size in the second born. 

5. Consider the mother’s age

The unfortunate reality is that age matters when considering pregnancy. Around age 32, a woman’s fertility gradually begins to decline. Then, after 35 years, the rate of decline increases, as does the risk for miscarriage and genetic abnormalities.

To reduce the risk of complications, it’s essential to consider your age while still considering the appropriate spacing between pregnancies, as discussed above.  

While analytical considerations are essential, deciding when to have another child is often led by the heart. 

For further reading on this topic, check out ‘The Second Baby Book’ by Sarah Ockwell-Smith.

If you’d like to consult with one of our doctors about growing your family, call our friendly reception team on 02 9399 9399 to book an appointment.

Image source: Unsplash - Lubomirkin


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